This is a website for dorm desk workers that my team for 6.813 created. We are hoping to simplify and standardize the desk worker interface so that it is easier and more efficient to use. I'm going to give you a series of tasks that a desk worker would be expected to perform during their shift. Please use the website to complete the tasks.
- login to the website using the following login information:
Panel |
username: username password: password |
- Check in the following package:
Panel |
Amazon Inc. 100 Amazon Way Seattle, WA 12345 |
Panel |
Ben Bitdiddle Room 123 MIT Simmons Hall 229 Vassar Street Cambridge, MA 02139 |
The dorm you are working at sorts packages according to the first letter of the recipient's last name as follows:
Panel |
A-H : bin1 I-P : bin 2 Q-Z : bin 3 |