5) As you try to soothe Marvin by picking rocking him back and forth, you notice that his diaper is wet. You go to change Marvin and realize that you are down to your last 5 diapers. After changing him , you get on dBabies and log the diaper change and note that the diapers are low.
Task: Log that Marvin has been changed and let your wife spouse know that she needs to buy new diapers.
6) Marvin is uncomfortably warm from his fever and is starting to cry. You decide that you should get him some baby Advil. Luckily, your spouse is almost out of work and he/she always checks dBabies to see if anything needs to be picked up for Marvin as the make their way back home.
Task: Update the Shopping List with Let your spouse know that you need baby Advil ASAP
User Testing
Users were selected based on whether they had been or were currently any form of a caretaker for an infant. We