Should work on Chrome and Firefox. Need Node.js installed to run (working on this now)
Audience App
This is a mobile application created through HTML and JS. For the time being the application can be tested best on the latest version of Google Chrome. It can also be opened on smartphones, but it is very buggy.
Starting Up the Prototype
DJ App
MackVibes Desktop Github
Audience App
Open a Google Chrome Browser and visit the following link: MackVibes Mobile
- Songs information is not sent over to next screen on the begin voting tab.
- Search currently does not work
- Pie Chart Doesn't have real data
Audience App
- Playlist of Previously Played Songs
- Currently, there is only a hard coded list of items. There is no backend code to update this list.
- Home Page
- The "Currently Playing" section is hard coded. There is no backend code that updates this information.
- The "Rate This Party" section currently does nothing.
- Voting
- After voting, nothing happens. There is no backend to update the songs to be voted on or to register a song someone votes on.