- Visit: http://truevote.herokuapp.com/
- You can log in with any username and password that you choose
- From there, you can enter votes one by one until the entire audit is complete
- While auditing, you can correct one mistake if needed
- After auditing 5 ballots, you can see the projected election results
Incomplete Dimensions:
- The username usernames and passwords are not linked to a database, so all combinations of entries (including empty strings) are accepted. This also means that the log-in page isn't personalized but will always welcome the user named "Amy" and her 5 ballots to audit.
- Progress is not saved: once an audit is completed, the data is not saved. This means if a user logs in multiple times, s/he will have to start a new auditing process each time.
- Editing the previous ballot is not yet possible. Editing the current ballot is possible, however, so by testing this feature, users will get a feel for editing the previous ballot.
- Only one edit can be made per audit, though eventually they can make as many revisions as needed.
- Results are static and do not reflect any entered information.