-Plug in the main headset box to power
-Test headsets and beltpacks. Some work. Some don't. Test them in various combinations, and don't trust the labels. As of Spring 2013, there were at least 5 working headsets and 4 working beltpacks.
-Plug in the headset that the SM will be using into the main headset box directly via the port on the front of the box. (This will allow them to talk to both channels)
-Plug in other headsets into the mini headset boxesbelt packs. Then plug the mini headset boxes belt packs into the back of the main headset box
-if a headset is going to not be in the booth, the cord from the mini headset box belt pack to the main headset box must stretch all the way to where it's going to be used. (gaff this down so noone trips)
-There is not a way to not have headsets plugged into the box, so there will always be cords