Check SM kit (see belowchild page)
Meet with producer - go over checklist & calendar.
-encourage the director to take scheduling into account during auditions. Try to prevent giving main roles to people who don't have the time for them.
SM Kit:
This is a suggested kit list:
Spike tape
Gaff tape
Stop watch/timer
Pens/pencils GALORE (actors steal them)
Tape measure (carpentry)
Tape measure (costume)
Hole punch
Glue stick
Paper clips
First aid stuff:
Cough drops
Vitamin C (sarah's favorite)
Rehearsal period:
Help run rehearsals.
Take down blocking in SM script copy. Always take down in pencil as everything has a tendency to change.
Keep track of props/set/costumes- note any new changes or director notes
Be on-book for actors. (when they say "line" give them their line)
After rehearsal, put things away as necessary. The SM is responsible for securing all rehearsal items and the rehearsal room.
Write a rehearsal report. An example is attached. This helps the prod staff keep updated on new items they need or constraints on items they know about.
Check in with ASMs often, especially if they are running rehearsals on their own, and/or are new to SMing.
Attend Production meetings