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                           -Get the casting done as quickly as possible, and try not to have the final auditions end too late at night, so that people (especially real people, as opposed to students) are more likely to answer the call when you are trying to cast them.

-If possible, schedule the last day of auditions to end early to give you time to call people. (this should be the last day before callbacks and the day of callbacks if possible)

-Help with casting. Keep a list of people, parts, and how they match up.

-If possible, make a characters list before-hand and have an idea of how large each part is and which parts can be combined if needed. List which characters are in which scenes. This is also a good time to decide which characters are important for the rehearsals of each scene, which will help with scheduling. 

-encourage the director to take scheduling into account during auditions. Try to prevent giving main roles to people who don't have the time for them.

SM Kit:

This is a suggested kit list:
    Spike tape
    Gaff tape
    Stop watch/timer
    Pens/pencils GALORE (actors steal them)
    Tape measure (carpentry)
    Tape measure (costume)
    Hole punch
    Glue stick
    Paper clips
    First aid stuff:
        Cough drops
        Vitamin C (sarah's favorite)


        Help run rehearsals.
        Take down blocking in SM script copy. Always take down in pencil as everything has a tendency to change.
        Note any prod staff notes (i.e., Jane needs a walking stick)         Keep track of props/set/costumes- note any new changes or director notes
        Be on-book for actors. (when they say "line" give them their line)
        After rehearsal, put things away as necessary. The SM is responsible for securing all rehearsal items and the rehearsal room.
        Write a rehearsal report. An example is attached. This helps the prod staff keep updated on new items they need or constraints on items they know about.
        Check in with ASMs often, especially if they are running rehearsals on their own, and/or are new to SMing.
        Attend Production meetings


                Meet with everyone, go over terminology and schedule
                Give actors time to explore stage/set

               If cues have not been programmed, program each act (1-5) while actors take a break, then run that act, then program the next act. 

                Run each cue sequentially from the beginning.
                Before running each cue, state where you'll be starting from. Be sure everyone knows (is listening, can hear) (Cultivate a good projection voice)
                Be forceful with your "go/hold/restore"s.
                When in doubt, run it again.
                Call CAC (3-1391 or 3-1500 or 617-253-1500) to close the space. You must be sure it's secure before you leave! You are responsible!
