Canceled due to scheduling conflicts
March 28, 2013
VSLS prioritized renewals in March and gave list to Allen: \ [CS Contracts and Renewals FY13\|^CS Contracts and Renewals FY13 - DCONLON EDIT[1].xlsx\]Wiki Markup - renewal date field needs to be added to CI Software (new module) DONE
- need ability to export view to csv file (new module) DONE
- need to do drupal updates (Dave is lead but Garry's team will do work) DONE
- Pat has trained Andrea Sullivan and she has started populating the Portfolio prototype with licensing attachments
- Library of Procedures future work:
- IT Partners Policy
- Change Management in Remedy
- Incident Management in Remedy
- Knowledge Base articles
- using the KB for research
- authoring articles
- reviewing articles before publishing