Main Screen
| Screen showing an incoming call (for Arjun).
| Conversation Starts (In conversation View):
Interface for viewing the location.
| Interface for adding a comment to a location.
| Interface for viewing the notes.
Interface with multiple notes.
| Screen for viewing the tweets and links to the available
| Safety prompt window asking for a confirmation to change the viewing
| ||
Image viewer.
- consistent navigation layout for all the three exploration modes: google earth view, images and tweets.
- fix internal inconsistency issues between labels and buttons;
- safety pop up windows to facilitate adding/saving messages and exiting modes;
- feedback -- notes saved, "seen" feedback when the message is read on the other end
- minimises the number of icons and controls.
- although we did not encounter issues with the interface being overcrowded, knowing that our targeted user group is mainly elderly we want to maximise the easy of navigation by minimizing cognitive load.
Changes incorporated before the next
round of testing:
- Labels look significantly different from buttons.
- A high visibility save button added to the type comments window for saving input.
- A pop-up window asking "Would you like to save your comment?" appears when user attempts to exit the comments mode.
- Bottom panel controls for switching between modes are added to the main active window.
- The left panel showing contacts and history is collapsed when user enters an exploration mode. The panel can be expanded by clicking an icon in the top left corner. The motivation behind this addition is to reduce cognitive load and maximise exploration area.
- he asked about email subscription -- can I subscribe to get an email notification when Arjun puts a comment on his notes.
What we learned from
Testing Round 2
- Too many controls if user uses only keyboard contols -- 4 keys for camera + 4 keys for movement (how to fix this?)
- Tagging was confused with Notes/Comments w.r.t images. (learnability/consistency issue)
- some additional feature requests like -- email subscription