One of the biggest problems our users had were knowing the difference between activity groups and driving groups and how they interacted with one another and with schedules. Every user encountered some sort of problem with this, and User 2 of Iteration 2 even commented that he really liked the website except for the confusion surrounding the different groups. So, we will be changing our model to simplify this process. Both activity groups and driving groups will no longer have their own tab at the top of the page, and they will not be separate from schedules. Instead, an activity group will only be is the group of people subscribed to a schedule, and a driving group can be a subset of that group making a carpool for the events in that schedule. This will be easier for users to comprehend and will avoid confusion that could lead to frustration with the site.
Appendix A
All screens and popups used for iteration 1 can be seen here: http://bit.ly/YJFsYt