| A list of dogs previously met-up with to schedule a new meet-up. |
This application is intended to find and schedule meetups with other dogs in your locality. For this scenario, you may assume:
Changes from the initial iteration to the second iteration
1. Home Page
- Restructured the page to make Upcoming events more prominent
- Profile information was removed
- Renamed "History" to "Previous" for better understanding.
- Affordance to directly rate entries in the Previous meet-ups sections was added, thus improving the
efficiency by avoiding having to switch pages to review.
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Search Page
- The placeholder in the search bar was updated to support exact and similar locations along with auto
complete capability for more efficiency.
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3. Schedule Page
- The calendar widget was updated to highlight busy (red) time slots in the schedules of both the participants.
- Calendar widget now shows week view along with time slots for each day. Selecting a time slot auto populates
both the date and time fields.
- Location Field updated to have auto-complete capability and a pop-up for a map view.
- Current date highlighted in the calendar
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4. Profile
- Negative comments are displayed anonymously
- A simple Overall Rating is displayed for better usability.
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Future Changes
We plan to make the below changes in the next round of Software Iterations:
Studio Feedback
- Calendar in Schedule Meetup still seems a little unclear (not sure what the "red" color represents).
- Option to display the Dog's Rating in the Invitation Response page.
- The Home Page can be better organized using Accordion style representations.