We conducted the second round of user tests on 3 desk workers. Several of them thought the advanced features (marking messages as a note/issue, high/low priority, etc) could be useful on the job. One user indicated they would use a feature that would automatically include resident's information (room number, phone number, etc) when their name was used in a message, which is a feature we wanted to add to CollabDesk but which was not covered in the scope of our tasks because it's not a key desk worker task. Another feature we had discussed adding was a way to see who has read a given message; one user told us that in some dorms you get a bonus if you read and initialed every page of the logbook that semester, so we will consider this feature more highly.
Round 2 Prototype Iteration
Browse messages (Left pane) | Read message (Top right pane)
| Create new message (Bottom right pane)
| Reply to message (Bottom right pane)
- Added “High priority” and/or “Alert desk captain” icons to quick view of messages.
| - Added “Edit” and “Delete” buttons. The “Delete” button does not permanently remove messages.
- Previously, we always showed “High priority” and “Alert desk captain” icons on each message, and highlighted them if they applied to the message. Changed it so they only appear when they have been selected.
| - Changed trashcan icon to a “Clear” button to make it more clear that clicking this clears all the fields in this panel.
- Removed “Close” icon, which had been an “X”.
- Changed “Minimize” icon from “-“ to double down carets.
- Changed panel heading from “New message from <Desk worker name>” to “Create New Message”.
- Created titles, tags, and skeleton messages for each template in the “Templates” drop-down menu.
- Increased font size of “Alert desk captain”, “High priority”, and “Note vs. Issues” choices.
- Added an example tag: #example, instead of showing just “#”.
- Changed “Title” to “Subject” to more closely follow Gmail analogy.
| - Filled in “Subject” line with “Re: Original Message Subject” as in Gmail. This field is editable.