- Users want to be able to click on a task and indicate they’re going to work on it before actually doing it.
- The fact that you don’t start out by choosing who you are is confusing.
- There need to be actual motivators for children, such as points or a “top helper” ranking list. The ability for a parent to indicate “good job” would be nice too.
- Reviewing previous weeks isn’t very discoverable, or interesting.
- Uploading a task completion picture is too cumbersome, with too many dialogs.
- The feature of adding an icon to a task isn’t discoverable at all.
- Overall the users liked the deadline slider.
Second iteration photos
To Do Page
Family Page
Second iteration tests
User 1
Task 1
Hitting the background closes the popups user rapidly checkboxes
Like that you can take a picture! I did my job!
What did u you not like?
Consider alternatives for claim: choose, tag, select,