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4. Description of the second prototype

The home screen shows three options:1. Tickets, 2. Search Animals, 3.Map&Events.

1. Clicking on “Tickets” button takes the user to the buy tickets page that shows ticket info and asks the user to enter credit card info. After user clicks on “Buy” button, a ticket will be printed out, a confirmation email will be sent and the ticket information will remain at the lower-right corner of the screen.

2. Searching an animal will show the animal picture, information, location and related events, as well as the “Find it in map” button that leads to the map.

3. Clicking on “Map&Events” takes the user to the map page. The map is organized by each floor. Clicking on the floor number will show the map of that floor. The map shows tank number and small picture of the fish in that tank, as well as all the remaining events today. Clicking on a tank will show detailed info of the fish in that tank. And clicking on an event will show the detailed info of that event.

Wiki Markup
{html}<a href="javascript:showhide('design6');" id="design1show">Show this prototype</a>{html}
Wiki Markup
{html}<div id="design6" class="hidable">{html}

4.1 Tasks requested to the user:

For the second round of user testing, we used the same set of tasks but including the task that was added for the last user of the first round (find information about an unknown specie). The tasks are as follows:

1) Buy 2 adult tickets and 1 kid ticket.
2) Find the Little blue penguins and go there.
3) Find the events (times-location) related to penguins today.
4) You saw a interesting red fish. You want to get information about it and find out its name. The only information you have is your current location.


Wiki Markup
{html}<a href="javascript:showhide('design6');" id="design1show">Show this prototype</a>{html}

Wiki Markup
{html}<div id="design6" class="hidable">{html}

4.1 Tasks requested to the user:

For the second round of user testing, we used the same set of tasks but including the task that was added for the last user of the first round (find information about an unknown specie). The tasks are as follows:

1) Buy 2 adult tickets and 1 kid ticket.
2) Find the Little blue penguins and go there.
3) Find the events (times-location) related to penguins today.
4) You saw a interesting red fish. You want to get information about it and find out its name. The only information you have is your current location.

4.2 Prototype functionality:

The home screen shows three options:1. Tickets, 2. Search Animals, 3.Map&Events.

1. Clicking on “Tickets” button takes the user to the buy tickets page that shows ticket info and asks the user to enter credit card info. After user clicks on “Buy” button, a ticket will be printed out, a confirmation email will be sent and the ticket information will remain at the lower-right corner of the screen.

2. Searching an animal will show the animal picture, information, location and related events, as well as the “Find it in map” button that leads to the map.

3. Clicking on “Map&Events” takes the user to the map page. The map is organized by each floor. Clicking on the floor number will show the map of that floor. The map shows tank number and small picture of the fish in that tank, as well as all the remaining events today. Clicking on a tank will show detailed info of the fish in that tank. And clicking on an event will show the detailed info of that event.

The following table presents the different screens in this prototype as well as an explanation of how to use each one.











Finally, the following diagram presents the interaction between all the screens:
