4. Description of the second prototype
The home screen shows three options:1. Tickets, 2. Search Animals, 3.Map&Events.
1. Clicking on “Tickets” button takes the user to the buy tickets page that shows ticket info and asks the user to enter credit card info. After user clicks on “Buy” button, a ticket will be printed out, a confirmation email will be sent and the ticket information will remain at the lower-right corner of the screen.
2. Searching an animal will show the animal picture, information, location and related events, as well as the “Find it in map” button that leads to the map.
3. Clicking on “Map&Events” takes the user to the map page. The map is organized by each floor. Clicking on the floor number will show the map of that floor. The map shows tank number and small picture of the fish in that tank, as well as all the remaining events today. Clicking on a tank will show detailed info of the fish in that tank. And clicking on an event will show the detailed info of that event.uhfiefijwoiefj
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3. Second Round of Prototype Testing
Task 1:
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Task 1 - Observations:
1. The user wants to know the price of each adult or kid ticket as well as who qualify as kids.
2. The word “Name” on page #2 is confusing when the user buying the ticket is not the credit card holder. .
3. One user asks why he needs to enter an email address and the corresponding privacy policy.
4. One user asks the difference between a confirmation number and ticket number. And she is unsure how to proceed to enter the aquarium.
5. There is no need to show ticket once inside the aquarium.
1. On page #2, show adult and kid ticket price, and the maximum age of kid. Change word “Name” to “Cardholder Name”. Add “A confirmation email will be sent to this address after you buy the tickets.” beside the “Email” input box.
2. Change all “Confirmation number” to “Ticket number”.
User 3 - Usability issues:
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Task 2 & 3:
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User 2 - Observations:
User 3 - Usability issues:
Find the Little blue penguins and go there; Find the events (times-location) related to penguins today
1.The user suggests that it might be unnecessary to go to homescreen since she asks “Do I need to go back to home to find blue penguin?”
2. It’s unclear what “Find in map” button does. Does it show only the specie location or all the related event location?
3. After clicking on “Find in map” button, the map shows no tank number.
4. There are two ways of finding events. Either by searching animal or by clicking on “Map& Events”. It’s unclear if the two resulted maps will show the same events.
1. Might add a search box on all pages to save the effort of going to the home screen.
2. Add tank numbers on all the maps.
3. On page #6, clicking “Find in map” button shows not only the specie location shown as pop up, but also all the remaining events location. But the events related to specie is shown as already poped up.
4. Clicking on “Map&Evenets” on home screen will go to the first floor of the aquarium and show all the remaining event icons.
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Task 4:
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User 3 - Observations:
Task 4 - Observations:
1. It’s unclear if users could search “red fish” and find the fish info.
2. The individual tank shown on the map does not seem clickable since the user does not know that they could click on the tank to show the information of the species in the tank.
3. What does the button “Map&Events” on page #7 does? The user is confused by this button since she gets to this page through that button on home screen.
1. The “search animal” function should return a list of related result(animal name, concise description and location). Clicking on one animal name will lead a page like page #6.
2. On all maps, show the tank that the user is currently at in a different color.
3. On all maps, mousing over a tank changes the tank background color and mouse icon to make the tank look clickable.
4. On page #7, delete “Map&Events” button and add a close icon for all pop-ups.
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