Description: A string containing an email address from whom the email is being sent. The string may contain more than just an email address.
Usage: Optional
Example: ("MIT Office of the Registrar")
Dependencies: If specified, this value will always be used in the from field of the email.
Description: A string containing an email address to whom the email is being sent.
Usage: Optional. Recommend to be used on WORKSTATION, DEV, TEST and QA servers and not used on PRODUCTION servers.
Dependencies: Used in conjunction with the email.production.mode property. When email.production.mode=false: email will be sent to the email address specified with this property. When email.production.mode=true: email will be sent to the email address specified by the calling application.
Description: A string of CSV email address(es) to be used in the email's bcc.
Usage: Optional
Dependencies: Used in conjunction with the email.production.mode property. When email.production.mode=false: bcc addresses will not be added to the emails. When email.production.mode=true: bcc addresses will be added to the emails.
Description: Used to indicate whether or not the applicaition is deployed on a production server.
Usage: Required
Example: Only the boolean values true or false are allowed. When email.production.mode=false: the application is deployed to DEV, TEST or QA server and is not deployed to a PRODUCTION server. When email.production.mode=true: the application is deployed to a PRODUCTION server.
Dependencies: None.
Description: Used to identify the application that created the email.
Usage: Required
Example: In this example, the application id is ssb and must be unique.
Dependencies: The application id must be unique.
Description: Used to set the time interval for sending emails. The property value follows the format for the Quartz cron trigger. IMPORTANT: in a clustered environment (i.e. TEST and PROD), this property should be different for every server in the cluster: we want to avoid multiple quartz jobs running against the same email data at the same time and sending duplicate emails. In fact we recommend effectively disabling the quartz job on all but one of the servers in a given cluster by specifying a schedule that will never be triggered (e.g. a data in the year 2099).
Usage: Required when using csf-email in a cluster. If not specified, the csf-email default schedule will be used (every 10 minutes starting at the top of the hour).
Example: email.sendEmailSchedule=0 0/20 0-22 * * ? In this example, the emails will be send every 20 minutes, at 0, 20, and 40 minutes past the hour.
Dependencies: none.
Optional: if not specified, the csf-email default schedule will be used (every 10 minutes starting at the top of the hour).
Recommended Settings In Clustered Environment (TEST/PROD): one server in cluster (e.g. sea-app-5 in TEST): email.sendEmailSchedule=0 0/10 0-22 * * ? other server(s) in cluster (e.g. se-app-6 in TEST): email.sendEmailSchedule=0 * * * * ? 2099
Description: Used to set the time interval for deleting emails that have been sent. The property value follows the format for the Quartz cron trigger. IMPORTANT: in a clustered environment (i.e. TEST and PROD), this property should be different for every server in the cluster: we want to avoid multiple quartz jobs running against the same email data at the same time. In fact we recommend effectively disabling the quartz job on all but one of the servers in a given cluster by specifying a schedule that will never be triggered (e.g. a data in the year 2099).
Usage: Required when using csf-email in a cluster. If not specified, the csf-email default schedule will be used (nightly at 10.30pm).
Example: email.deleteEmailSchedule=0 0/15 0-22 45 23 * * ? In this example, the emails will be deleted every 15 minutesnight at 11.45pm.
Dependencies: none.
Recommended Settings In Clustered Environment (TEST/PROD): one server in cluster (e.g. sea-app-5 in TEST): email.deleteEmailSchedule=0 30 22 * * ? other server(s) in cluster (e.g. se-app-6 in TEST): email.deleteEmailSchedule=0 * * * * ? 2099
CSF Local authorization/authentication properties
CSF Local authorization/authentication properties
CSF Local authorization/authentication properties description
Description: A csv string of application defined roles.
Usage: Optional. Only to be used on developer workstations. Do not use on servers.
Dependencies: Will only be used if local.authentication=true and local.mitroles contains a non-empty string. Otherwise, the uaws webservice will be used to get the user roles.
Description: A string containing the application defined ROLES DB 3 character catagory.
Usage: Optional. Only to be used on developer workstations. Do not use on servers.
Example: local.mitroles.domain=SFS.
Dependencies: Will only be used if local.authentication=true and local.mitroles contains a non-empty string.
Description: A string containing the application defined ROLES DB 3 character function.
Usage: Optional. Only to be used on developer workstations. Do not use on servers.
Example: local.mitroles.function=SSB.
Dependencies: Will only be used if local.authentication=true and local.mitroles contains a non-empty string.
Description: A boolean value indicating whether or not TOUCHSTONE authentication is to be used.
Usage: Required.
Example: Only the boolean values true or false are allowed. When local.authentication=false: Touchstone will be used to authenticate the user. Always set this value to false when deployed to a server. When local.authentication=true: Authentication will be done via a local dialog box. User will be prompted to enter the and local.user.password.
Dependencies: None.
Description: A sting containing an abitrary user name.
Usage: Optional. Only to be used on developer workstations.
Dependencies: Will only be used if local.authentication=true.
Description: A sting containing an abitrary user password.
Usage: Optional. Only to be used on developer workstations.
Example: local.user.password=mypassword.
Dependencies: Will only be used if local.authentication=true.