Digital photos of the pieces of your prototype. Show the prototype in interesting states; don't just show a blank window. Although you will iterate your paper prototype during this assignment, the photos only need to show one iteration.
Welcome and thanks for stopping by. I’m <EXPERIMENT LEADER NAME> and this is <OBSERVER NAME> and we’d like to have your help to evaluate our proposed user interface. It’s for a system designed to help MIT dorm desk workers with their commons tasks. Today you will be a desk worker and we’ll guide you through a couple of tasks and scenarios that desk workers commonly face. Before we start, we’d like to remind you that your participation in this evaluation is completely voluntary and you may stop at any time. Any problems you encounter are not your fault, they are solely the interface’s, and we need your help to find them. I’ll am the experiment leader and <OBSERVER NAME> is the observer. This means I’ll prompt you tasks and try to answer your questions the best I can and <OBSERVER NAME> will be watching and taking notes for me. We’d like you to think out loud as much as possible to help us get an idea of your thought processes as you explore and use our interface.
Scenario Tasks
Task 1
Log in to deskdash using the following login information:
username: username
password: password
Task 2
The UPS delivery man just delivered a package with the following address fields:
Amazon Inc.
100 Amazon Way
Seattle, WA 12345
Ben Bitdiddle
Room 123
MIT Simmons Hall
229 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
The dorm you are working at sorts packages according to the recipients last name. Packages addressed to people with last names beginning with A-H belong in bin 1, packages
addressed to people with last names beginning with I-P belong in bin 2, and
addressed to people with last names beginning with Q-Z belong in bin 3.
Please register the package you just received.
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5