This interface lacks efficiency compared to other proposed designs. The artist is forced to go through the same set of steps to upload a work without the ability to skip steps or set defaults. Review of comments is efficient for the artist, as it is presented directly on the artwork and symbols and tags limit the to act on the feedback. Direct manipulation and comments entered directly on the artwork area is relatively efficient from an input perspective as all actions are displayed on the dashboard. The reviewer also has flexibility as to how in-depth their reviews are, so they are not forced into a cumbersome user experience (unlike the artist). In this design, we do not allow the reviewer a means to quickly go over multiple works at the same time, which could hurt efficiency if they have a lot of similar works to consider. Likewise, the artist does not have the ability to review all comments for all versions at once.
Although it's difficult to make mistakes, there is no way for the artist to navigate backwards in the setup dialog or go back and edit preferences after the fact. The interface may be unsafe to reverse comments for the reviewers--perhaps the reviewers should be able to "push" all comments periodically rather than having comments integrate automatically into the artist's view. Also, if the artist were to delete comments no longer relevant (as an improvement) that could be unsafe as well (mistakes).