- Jon:
- Ultra-Efficient:
- Main goals: track feeding, nap, and diaper change times.
- At a glance, you can see an event that has occurred in the past
- Can add a new even simply by clicking on one of the three buttons.
- Digital clock in plain view at the top of the page and a marker for the current time on the schedule.
Fourth button for adding different events, but the main use case of tracking the events is fast and easy to accomplish.
- Tiny Screen:
- Intended for a tiny screen. (Screen dimensions of an iPhone used for modeling).
- Top 1/3 of the screen used for navigation
- Lower 2/3 of screen for further content under each screen.
- 3 different pages depicted from left to right:
- Bowel movement tracker,
- Schedule of events, and
- Supply tracker.
- None in particular:
- Sign-in at the top: This allows for the checking/updating of the webpage through any web browser and retains external consistency.
- Parents can register multiple babies with the same account. The coloring of the entire interface would change depending on the particular child to help avoid capture slips.
- 3 buttons in main nav bar: schedule, supplies, and search.
- Search bar button expands to allow for text field searches with a specific category set by the drop-down menu.
- Supplies button would be "shared" amongst several babies of a single parent, since parents will globally track supplies.
- Schedule button takes the user to the web page shown on screen.
- It has an analog clock with different events on the outer rim. Clock image also changes based on night or day time. Top buttons add more events to the clock with further details (not shown).
- It has an analog clock with different events on the outer rim. Clock image also changes based on night or day time. Top buttons add more events to the clock with further details (not shown).
- Ultra-Efficient: