Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Learnability
    • Pros
      • Simple interface in terms of few buttons on home screen. This allows the users to know precisely what they can do.
      • Mosaic is catchy for the user. They are likely to hover over it with mouse, and learn more about its functionality.
    • Cons
      • Some users might not understand the mosaic can move adding new pictures. Arrows try to convey this information.


  1. Efficiency
    • Pros
      • Showing random pictures at varying sizes allows users to process a lot of data at once. Clicking on picture can get them to related pictures.
    • Cons
      • Overall process is geared towards browsing, which is inefficient if the user has a specific photo in mind.


  1. Safety
    • Pros
      • Users are processing a lot of data at once, but it takes a click to actually learn more, not just a simple hover.
      • Pressing escape or clicking outside scope of sharing/larger view window goes back to mosaic (easy to undo mistake)
    • Cons
      • Pictures are close together for the mosaic and user could potentially click on wrong photo.

Design 2 - Safety 

Step 1

  • User wants to find pictures of a birthday party.
  • The user logs on, and is able to see recently added/shared pictures from their spouse, as well as the state of devices that upload to the site.
