- This design is centered around ease of uselearnability. It is based on the users familiarity with their own computer's Finder or directory system. Similar
- Similar features to Finder are its overall layout, hotspots on the left including children profiles and a search bar.
- Although the user may feel comfortable using the interface, it is likely to be inefficient with the viewing space and not a fun way to view content.
- The first picture gives a general look at the layout with folders sorting the pictures.
- The second picture shows how the user would actually look through the pictures.
- This design was focused on efficiently letting the user browse large amounts of content.
- It This would be useful for normal browsing/ general searching purposes, but would also be inefficient for searching for a specific picture.
- It revolves around a timeline that users can use to change the pictures displayed. Big events would be highlighted on the timeline giving them faster access to events in general.
- Hovering the user's cursor would also allow the the frame of viewable pictures to shift to show newer or older pictures.
- This design tries to make it fun for users to scroll through and find media. Items are displayed in varying sizes in a mosaic like form.
- This yields some uncertainty as to where certain items are but it gives the user a fun and new way to browse files.
- The search bar is there to find a specific picture or event, but the layout is meant for the user to go looking for one thing and stumble upon several others desired content in the browsing process.
- The design is not efficient for the user. The layout makes it fairly easy to learn how to use.
- This design allows the content to get to content strictly by searching.
- The search results page not only displays relavant media, but it also displays potential people, albums, or events in a separate grouping. This gives the user easy access to the result type they wanted. It takes limited scrolling to find what you want in the results so it is efficient to get the result you want, and it only requires one page load.
- Search autocomplete aids the user in searching for relavant things. The user can search by person, event, date, or filename.
- The landing page also presents the user with recent activity in case the other parent recently did something they were trying to do.
- The larger view allows users with poorer eyesight to navigate with ease. It also attempts to display things to the user in a friendly way. The
- The user will be less intimidated by the overly sized interface because they won't feel like they are missing something.
- It sacrifices some efficiency by initially displaying media to the user one item at a time, however the option remains to see a grid like view of all the media.
- The initial search for something can be made by person, event, or date. The calendar shows users which dates have files associated with them through color and mouse over pop ups.
- Introduced to homescreen with information about spouse's uploaded content and sharing activity activity.
- User wants to find picture so they go to browse.
Step 2
- User is not sure on exact specifics of picture, but has an idea of a picture, so they browse.
- Mosaic displays random pictures, which is fast for sorting and fun to view.
- Learnability
- Pros
- Simple interface in terms of few buttons on home screen. This allows the users to know precisely what they can do.
- Mosaic is catchy for the user. They are likely to hover over it with mouse, and learn more about its functionality. We need to use this opportunity to inform them in some way.
- Pros
- Cons
- Some users might not understand the mosaic can move adding new pictures. Arrows try to convey this information.
- Cons
- Efficiency
- Pros
- Showing random pictures at varying sizes allows users to process a lot of data at once. Clicking on picture can get them to related pictures.
- Cons
- Overall process is geared towards browsing, which is inefficient if the user has a specific photo in mind.
- Pros
- Safety
- Pros
- Users are processing a lot of data at once, but it takes a click to actually learn more, not just a simple hover.
- Pressing escape or clicking outside scope of sharing/larger view window goes back to mosaic (easy to undo mistake)
- Cons
- Pictures are close together for the mosaic and user could potentially click on wrong photo.
- Pros