This design assumes there are three main categories of tasks for an elderly who’s logging in on the site. They are ask, answer, and join. Ask could be asking someone or a group about a topic, answer would be contributing to a topic or a specific question or person, and join would be joining in on a live chat or joining in conversation with family members. The three scrollable ribbons differentiate each type of task.
Sophia Cui's design 2
This design draws a real life metaphor of a schedule book. Since elderlies are used to paper and pencil schedules, it makes sense for them to look on a similar interface for things to do at a given time. For example, it shows a live chat at 3:00PM which he can click on join. Otherwise, there are six main sections, messages, ask and answer. Messages, ask and answer each have a “check” and “compose” functionality
Sophia Cui's design 3
This design draws from a couple of real life metaphors like movie reel and VCR recording buttons. The movie reel shows the most used or pertinent activities an elderly can join in on, for example a live chat or talking to his grandson. He can scroll through the reel to find more options. The bottom of the screen has a section to contribute or answer. There is a scrollable interface which highlights topics and discussions. There is another section, which is the ask, for which the elderly can record audio, video or both, or type a question and post it.
Sarah Han's design 1
Sarah Han's design 2
Sarah Han's design 3