+ ‘appName’ has many affordances: scrollbars for seeing more jobs than currently on the screen, texture dots for dragging/dropping.
+ In terms of interaction styles, ‘appName’ uses direct manipulation (drag/drop) and menus/forms (checkboxes, notes). These interaction styles are preferable to command language.
+ In terms of interaction styles, ‘appName’ uses direct manipulation (drag/drop) and menus/forms (checkboxes, notes). These interaction styles are preferable to command language.
- The drag and drop feature for assigning jobs and changing their priority may not be easily apparent.
- There is currently no way for the user to seek help (no manual, no search bar for typing in problems and searching for solutions).
+ Ability to quickly assign jobs to specific workers.
+ Grouping assigning possible
- It is hard to search for a given task. While there is no evidence from needfinding that Michael needs to search new/existing tasks, he may wish to be able to search through resolved tasks.
+ User interface will provide low-level feedback as to where in the dashboard, at any given moment, a dragged job listing will be dropped if a user lets go of the mouse at that moment. This helps users drag-and-drop job listings to the appropriate locations.
- The user may accidentally assign job to worker that was not intended. It may be possible to offer an undo feature to allow a user to quickly assign the most recent task (undo the most recent action).
- The user may accidentally close or resolve a job. In this case, the undo feature would be most useful. Otherwise, the user would have to manually go into resolved jobs and reopen it.