- This design is centered around ease of use. It is based on the users familiarity with their own computer's Finder or directory system. Similar features to Finder are its overall layout, hotspots on the left including children profiles and a search bar.
- Although the user may feel comfortable using the interface, it is likely to be inefficient with the viewing space and not a fun way to view content.
- The first picture gives a general look at the layout with folders sorting the pictures.
- The second picture shows how the user would actually look through the pictures.
Efficient Design
- This design was focused on efficiently letting the user browse large amounts of content. This would be useful for normal browsing/ general searching purposes, but would also be inefficient for searching for a specific picture.
- It revolves around a timeline that users can use to change the pictures displayed. Big events would be highlighted on the timeline giving them faster access to events in general.
- Hovering the user's cursor would also allow the the frame of viewable pictures to shift to show newer or older pictures.
Ken's Designs
Fun Display
- This design tries to make it fun for users to scroll through and find media. Items are displayed in varying sizes in a mosaic like form. This yields some uncertainty as to where certain items are but it gives the user a fun and new way to browse files.
- The search bar is there to find a specific picture or event, but the layout is meant for the user to go looking for one thing and stumble upon several others in the process.
- The design is not efficient for the user. The layout makes it fairly easy to learn how to use.