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Initial Designs

Table of Contents

Point of View:

Arjun is a 40 years old father living in Mumbai, India whose son Raj hose son Raj is a working professional recently moved to San Francisco

  • wants to recreate the narratives of his son's stories with immersive visual representation


his son tells him interesting stories (some sample stories below)** his son told him how amazing it was to drive to LA from SFO through Highway 1 along the pacific coast
a story about his son's hiking to glacier point (Yesomite)
a story about his visit to Google's Mountain View Campus
a story about Stanford University's beautiful Palm Drive entrance and the oval
Raj had an amazing weekend. He calls his father Arjun to tell him about his weekend experience in the bay area.

  • how amazing it was to drive to LA from SFO through Highway 1 along the pacific coast
  • hiking to glacier point (Yesomite)
  • his visit to Google's Mountain View Campus
  • Stanford University's beautiful Palm Drive entrance and the oval

Raj also shares some images and posts on Facebook/Twitter describing his weekend experience.


  1. His parents and friends back home want to create the narratives of his son's stories with immersive visual representation.

Design Sketches

Set 1 (Anant)




This is an ultra-efficient interface. Also, it will work for illiterate users. Very simple idea -- Arjun calls Raj using Teleport. Teleport has in-built location recognizer that recognizes location names in realtime and displays a 3-D view of the locations. No user input required -- the service runs in the background.

Safety Issue: Some locations might not be interesting. User doesn't have control over which locations to see, which not. Also, if the location is incorrectly identified, there is no way to correct it.

This tries to address the safety issue, by compromising a little bit of efficiency.

Instead of directly opening the location, it generates a transcript of the call in realtime and highlights all the recognized locations. Hovering over the highlighted locations open the location in the 3D location window.

It's safe as user can correct the location (if system recognizes it incorrectly) and thus would show only correct locations. Also, user has the control over which locations to see and which not to see. 

This is a different kind if interface that gives users more control. It is a direct manipulation interface that les user explore any location they want. It also allows simulate walking or driving. It allows changing speed, pause, and resume. It stretches to ultra-safe as user can asynchronously explore a location.

Set 2 (Alex)







Set 3 (Katya)




Direct manipulation keyboard computer interface.

Desktop interface based on entering information verbally.

iPad/iPhone speech interface.

Final (Anant)







  • The interface (see the home page) uses the user mental model of chatting, calling and video calling
  • Most popular tool used by people for international calling is Skype -- this user interface is consistent with Skype interface 
  • Auto-highlighting of locations is consistent with hovering affordance (people are likely to hover over highlighted text)


  • For direct manipulation -- only keyboard inputs (navigation controls, camera controls and altitude) to avoid switching latency (switching time between keyboard/mouse)
  • Avoids any effect of mouse sensitivity 
  • Allows random exploration


  • For screen 3: if location recognizer fails to recognize a location or recognizes wrong location, user can change it.
  • The interface is extremely safe because use can change location, camera angle, altitude, direction at any point of time

Final (Katya)



STEP 1: Arjun talks to his son, Raj, on iPad or iPhone. Raj describes how amazing it was to drive to LA from SFO through Highway 1. Teleport automatically stores spatial descriptions mentioned by Raj.

STEP 2: After talking to Raj, Arjun scrolls through spatial descriptions stored and picks one. Avatar ask whether he wants to travel by foot or car and then how would he like to describe the route: 1) by start and end 2) by landmarks 3) by a reference object.

Step 3: Depending on the option there are three possible moves: 1) say start and end locations; wait while the animation is generated; watch the animation. 2) say landmark locations; wait while the animation is generated; watch the animation. 3) say the reference object; use 'move forwards','move backward', 'turn right' and 'turn left' commands to navigate around the object.

STEP 4: Interaction viewing of animation. While watching the animation by tilting the phone to the right or left Arjun can interactively change viewing angle of the animation.

STEP 5: By Tapping over the objects Arjun can see additional information, such as name of the object, the weather at the moment of the conversation or even additional images if added by his son.


  • Interface extensively uses visual clues that make interaction extremely intuitive for elderly people who are often not accustomed to the use of conventional desktops. Visual clues take advantage of conventional metaphors and colour.
  • The use of metaphors and colour scheme are both internally and externally consistent.
  • Furthermore, speech based interaction reduces cognitive load by sequentially offering relevant options.


  • Speech based interaction alone may be inefficient for users who use the system very often. The fact that the system asks the same questions can become irritating after some point.
  • Nevertheless, the targeted user group is elderly people for whom physical manipulation often may pose additional challenges. From this point of view the interface is considered efficient.


  • The interface is extremely safe because the system asks questions sequentially and in case of noisy input asks additional questions that help to disambiguate input.