Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • As the size of the ingredient list grows, the efficiency of the combobox input drops.
  • Menus and forms approach used for data entry might affect the learnability of the interface

 Consistent Consistent view design for adding menu items


  • Menu item is not on a large display to entice user to patronize restaurant.
  • Menus and forms approach might lead to learnability issues.
  • No ability is provided to search for a variety of different restaurants

Random Suggestion Design

The key focus of this design is efficiency. If a user has few/no restrictions, a random item is likely sufficient. This design also promotes exploration, because it is an easier task to decide if one likes an item than to choose from a set of items. In this design, a random menu item is generated, along with its ingredients. If the item is good, the user can settle with this item. However, if the user cannot choose this item, he can tell why such item is bad (contain restricted items from his diet, does not like chicken, etc). Based on the additional information, the interface suggests a new random item that meets these requirements. Again, the user can add more requirements, to refine the suggestions by the system. Image Added


  • Easier for patron to decide, not overwhelmed with information
  • The patron can literately refine his restrictions, depending on the item suggested


  • Can become a problem if patron is actively searching for a menu item
  • If multiple suggestions of the item is rejected, the patron will become impatient

Wei/Patrick: (add more designs/sketches here, keeping the format as the items above)

Design Sketches:

1. User can enter and save  food allergies and preferences, with immediate visual feedback


One of my design (#1) extends to the extreme case for illiterate people.



  1. a
  2. b
  3. c



  1. a
  2. b
  3. c


Group Designs

We present three designs:

  1. Single Window Design
  2. Dual Window Design
  3. Shopping Cart Design

Group Designs

After merging our individual designs, we present these designs as a group:

  1. Patron Side: Single Window Design
  2. Patron Side: Dual Window Design
  3. Patron Side: Shopping Cart Design
  4. Server Side: 

Patron Side: Single Window Design

The focus of this idea is on the food; details appear in an overlay when the food items are clicked on, and dietary restrictions are moved off to the side. 
