Sketch 1 | 
| Summary of Sketch 1:
Using Dropbox as an inspiration, this design allows asynchronous importing of multiple albums. Users can input album and song details while uploading music, filling in details for an album (the zip file) fills in the details for the songs automatically. Uploads can always be previewed before being added to the library, or cancelled entirely. This design focuses on a clean and efficient interface for importing music only, as such CMJ reporting and flushing is not included.
Sketch 3 | 
| Summary of Sketch 3:
An iTunes clone for external consistency and therefore (supposedly) easy learnability. This design also features asynchronous importing. Once importing is complete, a dialog box gives the user the option of previewing and accepting music into the library. The library shows the number of air plays and also has flush flag, facilitating CMJ reporting and flushing.