Description 1 goes hereThis design was primarily focused on the "find the right school" task, and provided a series of ways to select criteria for the desired type of college and then would generate the list of similar schools. The screen would be divided into 3 panels, the first (top left) would be a list of criteria (similar to yelp or other check box interfaces) where you can select all of the qualities you're looking for, pick a geographic area, and a radius within that area and then generate a list of schools. This section would be for people who had no idea about a school to generate similar schools to. The top right panel would generate a list of schools similar to a base school i.e. tell the system to "find schools like..." and have a school in mind (in our scenario this is like knowing Northeastern is a school you want to visit, but not knowing other schools in Boston). This finding technique would be primarily based on average GPA and SAT scores, and then could be filtered by other criteria later. Finally in the bottom right, if you already have a series of schools selected that you want to visit you can just simply "Start Planning a Trip," and start inputting the schools you would like to visit and then the tool would generate the itineraries based on the tour/info session times of those schools. |