This is designed for small screens (ie mobile devices).
Pros * Informative Simple navigation page that let's first time users know what the site is about. right off the bat what their options are.
Cons * Not very functional except for serving as a hub from which to navigate to other site pages. * The Bootstrap layout is a bit overdone, but prettyUsers not familiar with the purpose of the site may not know what the appropriate action is.
Pros * The listings are very detailed. This makes searching and filtering based very user friendly because different users may care about different aspects of the item (item category, item condition, etc). * Users have the option to upload a group of items together as a collection instead of listing out each item's details individually. This improves efficiency for those with large donations. * Forms are a familiar user input mediumRequires enough information so that items can be efficiently searched for. * Forms and combo boxes are familiar input mediums that work well on mobile.
Cons * Submitting an item is tedious as there are many fields that must be filled out for each item. This would make uploading many items for donating a chore if they were done individually. * Items uploaded as a group lose many of the attributes that make search and filter so powerful. If the device is being used on mobile, then typing can be a chore. * Possibly too many fields, buttons, etc for a small mobile screen. |
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Pros * Safety - allows users to go back and edit any errors they made have made.
Cons * Users may grow tired of having to confirm each item that they list for donation | Image Removed
| RECEIVE PAGE Pros * Finding specific items is easy due to items having many attributes to filter on. Cons * The submit or exchange option is not necessarily intuitive. |