Storyboard 3 - Minimalist
The overall motif of this design is minimalist. The other two designs focused on a central calendar as the main focus. For this design, we attempted to try something different, instead letting the calendar be just part of the overall system. Additionally, we wanted to reduce the amount of clutter on the pages to make the page look clean and sharp. In doing so, this design will have any more pages but would be easy to navigate and offer many affordances.
| 3AThis is the home page for PackPlanner. As mentioned before, instead of having the calendar be the central focus, we instead have many different aspects of the site represented by the tiles. This simplistic design was inspired by Preston's design for children using easily clickable tiles and Andrew's design for illiterate users that incorporated pictures for every action. |
| 3BThis is the calendar view shows a very basic version of the calendar. The view lets the user visualize the entire week through the collapsed days, while at the same time reduces clutter by focusing on just one day at a time. In contrast to the other designs, this design does not try to represent the events using space as a measure of time (i.e. longer events have longer boxes). This non-spatial time representation was slightly inspired by Preston's design for children. |
| 3CClicking either add event button comes to this New Event page. This is a basic form, designed to be minimalist and including photos as per Andrew's design for illiterate people. |
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