This design is also geared towards the more casual users who wish to browse the combos at leisure, but with a smaller screen mobile interface in mind. This means that the information is less concentrated on the screen, and each screen is simpler to interact with. In this design, the interface forces you to filter by both character and combo difficulty before letting you browse freely. Additionally, this interface separates the discussion forum from the combo page itself for a cleaner interface overall.
Design 3
This design considers the class of users who also wish to create combos. They are given the option to create a combo for a particular character immediately on the home screen. Once all fields in the form are filled out, the combo is immediately added to the database, and the user is redirected to the same page that a browsing user would see -- except it is updated with the freshly submitted combo. For users who only wish to browse, they are also allowed to do so immediately off of the home screen. This time, they can search by any criteria that exists in the drop down menu. Once again, they gain all of the additional data by clicking on one of the combos in the list and being redirected to the combo's dedicated page.