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This is the login screen for ConnectEd. Ms. Frizzle will type in her password and will log in. 
If she forgets her username or password she can recover them through the 
forget username and password link.

Upon login Ms. Frizzle sees the main page of ConnectEd. At the top of the screen she can use the
notification center (news) where she can get updates on the latest activities. For example, a change in schedule.
 Afterward she can pick the primary class she would like to communicate with. She could change this selection at a later time.
She can also perform actions that are relevant to all of her classes. She can check message, create forms, and check her calendar.

When she picks a class (3A Hebrew) the layout of the screen will changed and she will have specific options for this class.
These options are: a list of all of her students , a grade book for the class, and assignment section, where she can upload homework
assignment for her students.

When Ms. Frizzle hover over the forms button, it will change into two sub buttons.
The first will allow her to create a new form, and the second will allow her to review existing forms

When Ms. Frizzle clicks the new form button, a pop up window will allow her to create a new form. If she presses escape or click the X
button she will go back to the main page. In the pop up window she picks a template for the form, fill in the activity name, pick the 
classes that will attend this activity and set the date of the activity.

Ms. Frizzle can preview the template by clicking the preview button. This will also allow her to manually change the text in the template
if she would like to do that. After she is done with the form she can send it to her class.

When she clicks send, ConnectEd will email all of the parents in the class with a link that will take them to the login screen of ConnectEd
on their computer.

Arnold's mom will sign in to ConnectEd using her username and password.






