h1. StageIt
h2. Group Members
* Tami Forrester, [tforrest@mit.edu|mailto:tforrest@mit.edu]
* Antonio Moreno, [dontony@mit.edu|mailto:dontony@mit.edu]
* Arthi Vezhavendan, [arthivez@mit.edu|mailto:arthivez@mit.edu]
* TA: Sarah Lehmann, [slehmann@mit.edu|mailto:slehmann@mit.edu]
Theh3. Problem Statement
Choreographers and theater directors are responsible for creating formations, arrangements of people and props on the stage at different moments in time. For these users, the process of making these formations actorsis moveoften tovery differenttedious, placestime isconsuming calledand blockinginefficient.
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