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User Classes

Parents will be the most common user class, and are responsible for organizing the schedules for the entire family and driving kids to a from activities. Parents may contact other parents if they need help getting their children to or from an activity. This class could include both power users (parents with many children that often need to contact other parents for help) and novice users (parents with few children that don't often contact other parents for help but still need to organize their schedules).


Children are usually not involved in planning, but they are responsible for knowing their own schedule each day and who will be driving them to and from activities.

Needs and Goals

We recognize that scheduling can be a very general problem, so we will focus our design on meeting the needs and goals of our user classes:


  • Keep track of all of the kids’ schedules.
  • Be able to easily update these schedules as needed.
  • Be able to share the schedules with others to assist carpool planning.
  • Keep track of friend parents in the system.
  • Be able to easily contact other parents.
  • Confirm plans with other parents ahead of time, and at the time of a scheduled event.
  • Emphasize non-repeating events because users easily recall repeated events.
  • Maintain privacy with select events when desired.
