- Be able to buy tickets on the fly without registering or wasting time in the long line.
- Get quick and efficient information about locations in the building.
- Know what interactive information session is currently running and where.
- Look up for information about a particular specie that was interesting.
- get information in advance about exhibitions ans and species.
- attend the exhibitions without getting lost in the building.
4.2 Staff goals:
- Communicate information to the visitors about schedules of exhibits.
- Get information about the number of visitors in real-time to better accommodate exhibits.
- Get feedback about the visitors.
- Get statistics about the more interesting species for visitors.
- Have inter-staff communication to solve problems and give feedback.
5. Tasks
Some tasks derived from these goals are:
As a visitor:
As staff:
- Get usable information about locations in the building to efficiently navigate through it.
- Access information regarding schedule-location of the exhibits that are happening during the visit.
- Schedule the visit according to particular interests.
- Buy tickets quicker
- Get information about a particular specie if the interest arises after seeing it in a tank.
- Organize visits in advance for large groups of kids.
As member of the staff:
- Communicate diverse kinds of information to the visitors, both in advance and in real-time
- Get feedback for public
- Communicate to the other members of the staff
- Organize the care of the tanks and animals
- Organize reports
* These problems can be found in several Aquariums around the world. We are taking the New England Aquarium as a local example we can observe and visit. We also think these problems are common for other places such as museums and zoos, but we are going to focus on the Aquarium in order to constrain the problem an make it tractable for the class project in such a way that is a real problem that allows us to focus on the user interface aspects doing design centered in the user.