- Student desk worker:
- observations
- foo
- bar
- Things she wishes she could do with the current system
- perform repetitive tasks like managing
- find all desk related information in one place
- Things she dislikes about the current system
- Things she likes about the current system
- observations
- non-MIT affiliated desk worker:
- observations
- she writes lots of sticky notes to tell the next desk worker about something she did that the current system isn't capable of handling
- the "package location" field doesn't auto-populate after the package recipient field is filled. The package location is based on the floor the resident lives on and after the recipient name is filled out so it should use their info to auto-fill the package location field. (ex: I live on floor 3 so my (normal-sized) packages go in bin 3)
- it's not obvious from a glance that an item has been checked out even when you look up that particular item
- things she wishes she could do with the current system
- leave virtual sticky notes
- allow residents to view the status of an item (checked out/available) without visiting desk
- look up guests on a guest list
- look at a calendar of when different desk workers are working
- view a list of items that have been checked out
- things she dislikes about the current system
- no timestamp for when residents pick up packages
- she has to check the (separate) dorm website to check whether a room is reserved before she can loan the room key
- she has to move all the packages after she scans them because the package scanner is not wireless
- items are not categorized--spare room keys are mixed in with movies and games
- she can't ever find the media room key in the database when people want to check it out and it is checked out frequently
- all the pool sticks are listed together as one items but people usually check out only one at a time (same with ping pong paddles and balls)
- things she likes about the current system
- ability to look up the date/time a package is registered and by whom
- the database of keys includes their ID numbers. She can use this to make sure that students return the key they were loaned
- ability to look up a resident's history--packages they've received (when they picked them up) and other things they've checked out
- item pages display the name of the person who last checked out the item
- observations
- night watch security guard: