Please note: all names have been changed to preserve anonymity.
Teacher 1
Ms. Frizzle is a 54 years old elementary school teacher. She has been teaching the 1st -- 3rd grade for 23 years.
Ms Frizzle thinks that good communication with the kid’s parents is a crucial and will affect the student’s grade and behavior in school, especially in the kid is having difficulties. On a regular basis she meets parents twice a year during PTA, and unless the circumstances require she would rather not meet with parents in person. She would prefer to inform parents in an indirect way (note, email, etc.) as long as this won’t take too much time.
One example of a good communication was an email she got from a student’s mother. The mother told Ms. Frizzle that during a family vacation, her daughter was able to recognize a flower they learned about in science class, and was very proud that she could teach her mother something new. The mother thanked Ms. Frizzle for creating this mother-daughter moment.
Teacher 2
Teacher 3
Ms. Morgan is a music teacher at a public middle school. Over the past years, she has found that parent involvement is generally important and helpful in their children’s education. However, it was sometimes difficult to reach the parents. For example, some parents didn’t pick up their phones or their voice mailboxes were full, and some did not have e-mails. Nevertheless, Ms. Morgan had a lot of information to convey to parents, such as concert location, times, and dress codes. In addition, she would like to communicate with the parents of the children who are struggling as well as offer compliments if the students did well.