- Doctors, nurses that need to manage patient information cleanly, and safely without negatively impacting their operational efficiently.
- Hospital staff that wants to track the procedures performed on patients for billing purposes, contacting family members, and other administrative tasks.
Target User Goals
- Doctors and nurses:
- Need to manage patient information cleanly, and safely without negatively impacting their operational efficiently
- Want to Prioritize care to the most needy patients
- Want to be able to easily access the content in the system
- Would like to update patients status as quickly as possible
- Hospital staff:
- Track the procedures performed on patients for billing purposes
- Contacting family members
- Minimize hospital costs and maximize patient throughput
- Would like to be updated about patient status as quickly as possible
Target User Obstacles
- Doctors and Nurses:
- Very little time or dedication to learning new interface designs.
- Existing platform is highly error prone, and can be difficult to discern
- Existing platform is cumbersome and information is not easily transmitted. This can lead to a latency issue where information is not updated frequently enough.
- Hospital Staff:
- Have difficulty understanding "Jargon" of the clinical staff, and layout of the information on the white boards
- Are not informed of updates in status without rechecking the board, which is itself prone to latency issues.
GR1 - Task Analysis
GR2 - Design