Observations & Interviews
- Mr. L (Group Member)-
- Mr. S (Alum)-
- Mr. C (Group Leader)-
- Have you ever tried to raise money from alumni, why or why not?
- How would you raise money from alumni? How would you encourage them to donate more?
- What would you do with that money, how did you make that decision? Do you know how your group would want you to spend that money?
- Describe an ideal tool for raising money from alumni.
User Classes
- W (Player/Recorder) - The Player/Recorder acts as a recorder when he is not on the court.
Key Takeaways:- given the medium in which stats are currently recorded (which requires drawing pictures to represent the direction of the volley) he suggested a tablet interface would be good for recording. He noted, however, that to encompass all the types of hits and errors that might occur within a volley might require more than what could fit on a single screen.
- The limiting factor in taking stats is the person's ability to pay attention/process to all the events occurring
- Typically four people record (depending on the detail of stats desired). Creating a more efficient interface could reduce this number.
- It is crucial to have some statistics within the game. For in-game analytics during a high level game, having two people recording stats is minimal.
- Typically the same people take stats.
- Taking stats is dependent on the recorder's knowledge level
- Storage and recall of information from previous games is hardly accessible.
- Only "Box Score" is saved digitally. No other stats are entered.
- Stats determine HOW a group won. A coach looks at this to determine how a group beat another, and what to have their team improve on and who to put into the
- Mr. O (Player) -
- Mr. G (Recorder) -
- Mr. M (Coach) - Not yet interviewed but he did have this to say:"...none of the commercially available platforms seem to do everything I would want as a coach, so if you're open to input, I have tons and tons of things on the wishlist..."
User Classes
- Player
- Recorder
- Coach
- Group Leader - person in charge of raising funds for the group. They have an idea of what the group needs, but it may not be entirely accurate. This person is an interface between the group members and the donating alums.
- Group Member - not in charge of raising funds for the group. They have needs that require funding for alums and they want to make sure their needs are met.
- Alum - ex-members of the group that have financial resources that can help the group. They have varying willingnesses to fund the group and they might have a preference about what is done with the money.
Needs & Goals