February 27, 2013
- Budget update
- no request was made for FY14 implementation (350K)
- 150K steady state was included in initial request
- add to larger customer support vision/deferred maintenance request?
- Remedy 8 prototype update:
- pricing
- funding issues: not in Q2 forecast
- timeline
- benefits for future implementation
- pricing
- Change Management update:
- roll out process finalized, ready to pilot
- reviewed current Remedy configuration
- needed changes:
- outstanding issues:
- Merchant Services (PCI): waiting on Tim for green light to schedule initial demo
- RAFT: on Amon's radar but they need to get through the next sprint (target mid March)
- Network Operations: waiting on Chris for date for full team demo March 7th
- then we will narrow down what service offerings
- Sophie will be PM resource for these roll outs