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Layout Descriptions


  • Wiki Markup
    Email Lead PIs \[ see [manuals:General FMP Information] \- Email Tool \]
  • View a proposal's investigator list, budget information, and files
  • Click 'Preview Coverpage' to see what the coverpage will look like for a particular proposal. Its layout depends upon the upper limit of accepted detailed investigator records ($pp_PI_limit; see Global Variables). Up to two detailed investigator records are displayed on the coverpage, and additional detailed records are listed under 'ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS'. 'OTHER PERSONNEL'  includes even less-detailed investigator information and appears last.


  • This table includes lists investigators added either via registration or at the 'Investigators' step in proposal submission step, including and includes detailed contact information and a , CV / resume, and a list of other proposals in which they've participated. CV / resumes may be added, updated, and deleted here as well.
  • Investigators who registered as PIs automatically have a password; passwords may be applied to other investigators by simply typing one in to into the box.
  • Access Type doesn't do anything at this time. Send Email tool needs to be added to this interface.

Budgets (you need to fully explain how the budget component works, in its own section)

  • Wiki Markup
    PIs add budget worksheets to their proposals, and data from these worksheets are automatically compiled inper Funding RFPYear FMP(FY) to creategenerate 90-4 forms.  The Budgets section of RFP FMP offers 90-4s for browsing by default, but worksheets driving each 90-4 are accessible under at top-right'Related Worksheets'. Budget justification (optional in the pre-proposal phase) is editable via the 'Edit' button below the 90-4at right. New budget worksheets may be added in FMP, but may only be edited via the proposal submission interfaces. \[ see [Budget Management in FMP] \]