Reviews are viewable via the {link-window:\|width=1000px\|height=850px}Administrative Review Web Interface{link-window} or FMP, as they are added by reviewers. The Admin Review web interface shows reviews by proposal, while FMP shows reviews when browsing by full proposal, by reviewer, or as a list under 'Reviews'. As stated above, the number of scores shown for a peer review reflect the peer review configuration chosen by your program.
You have several options for retrieving pdfs of peer reviews:
# _By Proposal_ : {link-window:\|width=1000px\|height=850px}Administrative Review Web Interface{link-window} : click 'View Peer Reviews / Rebuttals' for a full proposal, and then export or print the pop-up window as a pdf
# _By Proposal_ : FMP > Full Proposals > Reviews: Click 'View: Peer Reviews' and then 'Save as PDF'. {color:#ff0000}Also includes rebuttal supporting documents, when available{color}
# _By Call, sorted by Proposal or Reviewer_ : FMP > Reviews > Reports: Select call, then click either 'View: Peer reviews, by proposal', or 'View: Peer reviews, by reviewer', and then 'Save as PDF'.
+Review Tracking Grid+
For a description, see [Pre-Proposal Review|manuals:Pre-Proposal Review]: Review Tracking Grid...
+Reviewer Evaluation+
Each reviewer may be evaluated or described using the 'Evaluation' tab. You may include, keywords, comments about the reviewer and their performance, and ratings.