h1. The Java Interface to CPLEX
The use of CPLEX in Java is based around the class IloCplex (documented [here|http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r5/index.jsp?topic=%2Filog.odms.cplex.help%2Frefjavacplex%2Fhtml%2Filog%2Fcplex%2FIloCplex.html]). The basic idea is that you create an IloCplex object for your optimization problem, then add variables, the objective, and constraints using methods in the class IloCplex. The IloCplex object can produce [IloNumVar|http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r5/index.jsp?topic=%2Filog.odms.cplex.help%2Frefjavacplex%2Fhtml%2Filog%2Fconcert%2FIloNumVar.html] objects and their subclass [IloIntVar|http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r5/index.jsp?topic=%2Filog.odms.cplex.help%2Frefjavacplex%2Fhtml%2Filog%2Fconcert%2FIloIntVar.html] objects, when are then used as arguments to further methods from IloCplex to make the objective and constraints. The IloCplex interface is somewhat confusing. It is very large, has lots of redundant methods, and lots of methods that appear to be the same but produce very different results. We now summarize the methods of IloCplex which will be of use to us:
||Name||Return Type||Arguments||Description||
|boolVar|IloIntVar| |Creates and returns a new Boolean variable (domain 0,1).|
|boolVarArray|IloIntVar[]|int n |Creates and returns an array of n new Boolean variables (domain 0,1)|
|linearIntExpr|IloLinearIntExpr| |Creates and returns an integer linear expression initialized as 0 (zero).|
|addGe|IloRange|IloNumExpr e, double v|Creates and returns a range representing the constraint {mathinline} e \geq v{mathinline}|
|addEq|IloRange|IloNumExpr e, double v|Creates and returns a range representing the constraint {mathinline} e = v{mathinline}|
|addMinimize|IloObjective|IloNumExpr e|Creates and returns an objective to minimize the expression and adds it to the invoking model.|
For an IloCplex cplex, an IloNumExpr e and a double v, calling cplex.addGe(e,v) and cplex.addGe(v,e) are both allowed but do not produce the same result! The first gives the constraint {mathinline} e \geq v{mathinline} while the second gives the constraint {mathinline}v \geq e{mathinline}.
For an IloCplex cplex, an IloNumExpr e and a double v, calling cplex.ge(e,v) and cplex.addGe(e,v) are both allowed but do not produce the same result! While both return an object for the constraint {mathinline} e \geq v{mathinline}, only the latter adds the constraint to the model! We will actually have use cplex.ge(e,v) later when we add constraints through callbacks instead of adding them directly to the model.
Notice that the various numeric expressions are arguments for these functions. The inheritance relationship between the different classes of numeric expressions is a little complicated, but well designed. They are summarized in the chart below, with an arrow from interface A to interface B if A implements B (is a subinterface, like a subclass).
We will use a few method from IloLinearIntExpr to build up sums.
||Name||Return Type||Arguments||Description||
|addTerm|void|IloIntVar v, int c|Adds the new term {mathinline}c\cdot v{mathinline} to a scalar product. This method can create duplicate terms {mathinline} \cdots + a_i \cdot x + \cdots + a_k
\cdot x + \cdots{mathinline} that could be joined to a single term {mathinline}\cdots + (a_i + a_k) \cdot x + \cdots{mathinline}. Duplicates do not generate errors but require more memory and more running time.|
The interface for IloLinearNumExpr is similar.
h1. A Short Example
Suppose we want to solve the following IP in CPLEX:
&\min & x + 2y + 3z\\
&\text{subject to}& x + y + z &\geq 2\\
&& x,y,z &\in\{0,1\}
How can we implement this using the above methods? We demonstrate this in the code snippet below:
IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();
IloIntVar x = cplex.boolVar();
IloIntVar y = cplex.boolVar();
IloIntVar z = cplex.boolVar();
IloLinearIntExpr constraintSum = cplex.linearIntExpr();
IloLinearIntExpr objectiveSum = cplex.linearIntExpr();
h1. Java Style and CPLEX
When programming in Java, you generally have [collections|http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/] of objects, as discussed [here|http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/]. Often, you want to create a variable (or constraint) for element of a collection. A *bad* approach is illustrated below:
Set<String> stringCollection = makeSomeStrings();//assume this is defined elsewhere
IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();
String[] stringToIndex = new String[stringCollection.size()];
IloIntVar[] variablesToIndex = cplex.boolVarArray(stringCollection.size());
int i = 0;
for(String s: stringCollection){
stringToIndex[i++] = s;
Then given a String from the collection, we could access the corresponding IloIntVar, and with an IloIntVar, we would access the corresponding String, with the following snippets
public IloIntVar getVariableForString(String s, String[] stringToIndex, IloIntVar[] variablesToIndex){
for(int i = 0; i < stringToIndex.length; i++){
return variablesToIndex[i];
return null;
public String getStringForVariable(IloIntVar v, String[] stringToIndex, IloIntVar[] variablesToIndex){
for(int i = 0; i < variablesToIndex.length; i++){
if(variablesToIndex[i] == v){
return stringToIndex[i];
return null;
There are several reasons to be concerned with this.
* For {mathinline}n{mathinline} variables, access time takes {mathinline}O(n){mathinline}.
* We are maintaining two data structures and an index by hand, which leave a lot of room for programmer error
* We cannot add new variables at a later date
We can eliminate any chance of an indexing error and improve our access time to {mathinline}O(1){mathinline} by replacing our two arrays by two [HashMaps|http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/HashMap.html], e.g.
Set<String> stringCollection = makeSomeStrings();//assume this is defined elsewhere
IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();
Map<String,IloIntVar> stringToVariable = new HashMap<String,IloIntVar>();
Map<IloIntVar,String> variableToString = new HashMap<IloIntVar,String>();
for(String s: stringCollection){
IloIntVar v = cplex.boolVar();
However, we are still maintaining two separate data structures which we need to keep synchronized, which is asking for trouble. Instead, we use [Guava's|http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/GuavaExplained?tm=6] special data structure, the [ImmutableBiMap|http://docs.guava-libraries.googlecode.com/git/javadoc/com/google/common/collect/ImmutableBiMap.html], which will maintain two HashMaps for us (and as a bonus, prevent any accidental modifications once we _build_ the map). The following methods can be found in Util.java in your project:
public static <T> ImmutableBiMap<T,IloIntVar> makeBinaryVariables(IloCplex cplex, Iterable<T> set) throws IloException{
Builder<T,IloIntVar> ans = ImmutableBiMap.builder();
for(T t: set){
ans.put(t, cplex.boolVar());
return ans.build();
public static <T> IloLinearIntExpr integerSum(IloCplex cplex,
BiMap<T,IloIntVar> variables, Iterable<T> set,
Function<? super T,Integer> coefficients) throws IloException{
IloLinearIntExpr sum = cplex.linearIntExpr();
for(T t: set){
sum.addTerm(variables.get(t), coefficients.apply(t));
return sum;
public static <T> IloLinearIntExpr integerSum(IloCplex cplex,
BiMap<T,IloIntVar> variables, Iterable<T> set) throws IloException{
return integerSum(cplex,variables,set,unity);
private static Function<Object,Integer> unity = new Function<Object,Integer>(){
public Integer apply(Object arg0) {
return 1;