- Kindle Fire
- Nook Color
- Google Nexus 7 - Android tablet
- Samsung Galaxy Tab - Android tablet - loaned to Beverly
- iPad mini - loaned to Eloise
- Microsoft Surface - loaned to Remlee
e-readers in Nicole's large file drawer (for the raffle(all raffled on Jan. 2)
- Nook color (21)
- Nook Touch (1)
- Kindle 3 (3)
- Kindle 2 (1)
- Kindle Touch (1)
- iPod Touch (first gen) (2)iPod Touch (2nd gen) (2) - coming soon, when SH & DD finish converting to their new ones
- Kindle 1 (no longer works) - consider Amazon recycling program
- Darcy's iPod Touch is going to Kari for use in the Archives
- We gave a Nook to Kari for use in the Archives
Personal devices
iPod Touch