To run the file, you first must make it executable. With a mouse, from the file browser, right click on the file, click Properties, click the Permissions tab, then check the Executable checkbox. From a terminal, simply go to the directory where the file is located, then type chmod a+x cplex_studio125.linux-x86-64.bin
. To run the file, from a terminal in the directory of the file, type sudo ./cplex_studio125.linux-x86-64.bin
. Be sure to run as root, otherwise you will not have permission to install in the default directory.
Note the directory of installation. The default on my machine was:
The sample code was stored at
C:\Users\Ross\My Documents\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio125
Be sure to select the checkbox for Update path. When the download finishes, you do not need to open Cplex studio or the readme.