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The Authorization FrameworkAs mentioned above, filters that authenticate users also get the "details" for the authenticated user, that is, the user's authorizations, to put into the security context. In CSF, there is a single bean that is configured to get the user details, the mitAuthorizationUserDetailService. Here is a sample configuration:
The beans and property definitions in this example serve the following functions: Code Block |
bean: acts as an adapter between the Spring Security security system and the authorization classes in CSF. *authorizationService *bean: CSF bean that implements the *AuthorizationService *interface. In this example, it is an implementation that delegates to a chain of other AuthorizationService implementations, one for determining if the user is a student, and another to obtain the roles the user may have in the MIT Roles database. The combine = false property means that roles from the two services will not be combined, that is, either the role student will be assigned to the user or the MIT roles, but not both. If combine = true the user would be assigned all roles found. [ |
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Application access to a user's roles in the Security ContextIt is not uncommon for applications to need access to roles information that may be collected by Spring Security and the CSF. CSF provides facilities to make this easier. IMPORTANT: when you are writing Java code that needs authorization information about the current user, use the methods on the CSF "SecurityContextService" interface rather than using Spring Security classes. This will insulate us from any future changes in the Spring Security framework classes. Lets take the example of an application that needs to display a list of sections for the user to choose, which will allow them to view the students assigned to the section, and there is a rule that the class lists are only to be shown to instructors of the section. First, we need to configure the authorization service to capture whether the user is an instructor.
In this example, the instructorAuthorizationsService and hibernateAuthorizedInstructorDao bean are Spring beans defined elsewhere. The InstructorAuthorizationService has a single method, getAuthorizationsByUser. This method uses the dao to fetch the user's instructor records as an AuthorizedInstructor object containing a collection of AuthorizedTeachingAssignment objects. This is wrapped in an InstructorRoleAuthorization object which is an adaptor for communicating with Spring Security. All of this is done merely by creating the configuration above. A little later in the application processing, we will have a list of sections, and we want to filter the list to only include those that the instructor has taught. Probably first you would want to check that the user is in fact an instructor, that is, has at least taught some section at some time, and if not, perhaps show them a different page:
The mask method takes a collection of things that might be associated with a role and returns a set of things that actually are associated with the role. The things you can filter this way depends on the kind of role. For instructors, you can filter collections of subjects, sections, or teaching assignments. For MIT Roles Database roles that have qualifiers you can filter a collection of strings that would match the qualifier codes. |
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ImpersonationImpersonation that is a regular part of an application's feature set delivered to MIT administrators is accomplished with an additional filter on the Spring Security filter chain called the switchProcessingUserFilter.This basically gives authorized users a "login" button or link that logs them in as another user. Once the switch is performed, the SecurityContext contains the credentials for a different user, but it also remembers the original user so impersonation may be exited and the original credentials restored. There are a couple of things that are required to use this filter.
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Page level securityOne may also configure a mapping of roles to page urls. In the example above where we were testing if a user had the instructor role before showing them a page to select sections to view, instead of writing code, we could have declared our protection like this:
and the Spring Security framework would have invoked the access denied handler when a user who did not have this role tried to access the page. We could then write the access denied handler to show a page with a friendly message or perhaps redirect the user somewhere they are supposed to be instead. |