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Code Block
// Example Widget
function(app, ns/*, data, utils*/){
    // Create Widget short name for local reference    exWdgt = {};

    // Use closures for private code    var testFunc();

    // Add all widget code to widget namespace.
    exWdgtns.WidgetModel = can.Model({...});
    exWdgtns.WidgetControl = can.Control({...});

    // Add an initialization function if the widget should be initialized externally
    exWdgtns.initWidget = function(/*params*/){...};

    // Make sure to add widget namespace to ns namespace
    ns.ExampleWidget = exWdgt;

// Pass in external values that will be used by this code
// ns should always be included, be first and be,              // The app namespace
raft.widgets.ExWidget, // The specific namespace to which the resulting objects and functions from this file will be added.,    // ns,    // dataThe specific data namespace for this widget/page/object. Cached and local data  should go here
raft.utils             // utils The namespace containing app framework utilities

    // Code to run when document is finished loading
