Syringe pump P = Harvard Apparatus Programmable; I/W = Infuse/Withdraw; (n): number of syringes
Nov 26- Dec 2 | scope1 | scope2 | scope3 | photron | pump P | pump I/W | pump I/W | haspkey |
Monday | Yutaka 10am-3pm | Filippo 3pm-8pm |
| Yutaka 10am-3pm |
| Tuesday |
Wednesday | Yutaka 10am-3pm | Filippo 3pm-8pm |
| Yutaka 10am-3pm |
| Thursday | Yutaka 12PM-3pm | Steve 10-3pm | Theresa 11am-3pm
| Theresa 11am-3pm |
| 3pm |
| Friday |
| Vicente/Yvan 10-3 Gabe 4-6pm |
| Vicente 10-3 |
Sat |
| Gabe 2-6pm |
Sun |
| |
Dec 3- Dec 9 | scope1 | scope2 | scope3 | photron | pump P | pump I/W | pump I/W | haspkey |
Monday |
| Steve 10-5 |
Tuesday |
| yvan 10-4pm |
| yvan 10-4pm |
Wednesday |
| gabe 2-O/N | Jeff 12pm-6pm | Jeff 12pm-6pm |
Thursday |
| Steve 10-5 | Theresa 11am-3:30pm |
| Theresa 11am-3:30pm |
Friday |
| Steve 10-5 |
| Theresa has it on Taylor for the weekend |
Sat |
| Gabe All Day |
| Theresa has it on Taylor for the weekend |
Sun |
| Gabe All Day |
Dec 10-Dec 16 | scope1 | scope2 | scope3 | photron | pump P | pump I/W | pump I/W | haspkey |
Monday |
| Gabe 8am-5pm |
| To be returned from Taylor in the morning (MG/TSM) |
Tuesday |
| Steve 10-1 |
Wednesday |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
Thursday |
| Steve 10-5pm |
Friday |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul |
Sat |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul |
Sun 30 |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| scope1 | scope2 | scope3 | photron | pump P | pump I/W | pump I/W | haspkey |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
Thursday |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
| Hongchul 10am-o/n |
Friday |
Sat |
Sun 30 |