Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Page Mockup: Include a link to the page mock up or attach a screen capture and insert the thumbnail here. 

Page Layout: Reference UI design standards used. If there are subpages, include a detail Navigation Map. If there is workflow associated with the page include a Process Flow Diagram that shows decision points and where validations occur.
Functional Summary: Overview of what the user sees on the page in all scenarios. Specify default criteria.

Description of the Page: Specify user all actions available on the page. Specify destination of navigation buttons or hyperlinks. Insert one or more annotated screen mock ups to show the page in representative states. 

Wiki Markup
*Table X: Common User Interface Elements* *for \[name of page\] Page*

This table includes all elements that appear on this page. Flag elements that have appeared on other pages.



Functional Description

Technical Rules

cell A1

cell A2

cell A3

cell A4

cell B1

cell B2

cell B3

cell B4

cell C1

cell C2

cell C3

cell C4

cell D1

cell D2

cell D3

cell D4

Wiki Markup
*Table X:* *Validation Rules for \[name of page\] Page*



cell A1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

cell B1

Consetetur sadipscing elitr

cell C1

Sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor inviduant ut labore

cell D1

Labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua

Repeat for each screen of the application.