Near the top of the second column, about the 4th line, it says what type of membership you have, whether or not it's Current, and the date it expires.
SECTION A: Renewing an existing membership (if you were previously a member):
1. Go to http://www.yankee.org/administration/membershipApplication.php
2. To login: the email address you used to sign up is your username.
3. Once logged in, click on the blue tab on the left that says "Renew Online".
4. Update the Member Information if you need to (name, address, email). Remember that for "Level of Play" you should choose "R".
5. Click "Continue".
6. On the next page, for "Club" select "UNDECIDED"
7. Under "Adult Team Roles", check the "Player" box.
8. Click Submit.
On the next page:
9. You don't need to make a donation or click the insurance box.
10. Under "Correspondence Information", you may want to uncheck the boxes if you don't want too many emails, etc.
11.Under USAV Waiver Information, you have to click on the link and "read" the form before checking the box that says "I agree to the USAV Waiver and Release of Liability". The same is true for "I agree to the USAV Participant Code of Conduct".
12. I recommend you use your driver's license number or state ID number, and not your social security number. But eithher way, put the last four digits in the box at the bottom.
13. Click "Confirm"
14. It will ask you "are you sure?" -- Click "Ok".
15. At the bottom right hand corner of the next page is a little icon that says "Click Here to Print". Click this and print the 4-page membership confirmation. Print TWO COPIES! One you will use to get reimbursed from the club, and one you will use to actually register for the tournament.
16. Bring this printed form and $45 to your first tournament. The club will reimburse you $20 of those $45 dollars after you give a copy to the Treasurer. This membership will last you until next fall.
17. If you forget to do this, bring $50 to your first tournament, and you can fill out the form there. The club will reimburse you $20 of those $50 dollars. To get reimbursed, you must turn in two things to the Treasurer:
a. Item 1: the receipt from the tournament that says you registered and paid $50 for you registration.
b. Item 2: Print this form: http://www.yankee.org/roster/memb1213.pdf and fill it out.
SECTION B: Creating a new membership (If you have never been a member):
1. Go to: https://webpoint.usavolleyball.org/wp/memberships/join.asp?mbr_ChapterID=25971
2. Fill in all fields marked with a " * ".
3. For "Level of play", choose "R".
4. Note that the email address you use in this form will become your username.
5. Click "Continue".
6. On the next page, for "Club" select "UNDECIDED"
7. Under "Adult Team Roles", check the "Player" box.
8. Click Submit.
On the next page:
9. You don't need to make a donation or click the insurance box.
10. Under "Correspondence Information", you may want to uncheck the boxes if you don't want too many emails, etc.
11.Under USAV Waiver Information, you have to click on the link and "read" the form before checking the box that says "I agree to the USAV Waiver and Release of Liability". The same is true for "I agree to the USAV Participant Code of Conduct".
12. I recommend you use your driver's license number or state ID number, and not your social security number. But eithher way, put the last four digits in the box at the bottom.
13. Click "Confirm"
14. It will ask you "are you sure?" -- Click "Ok".
15. At the bottom right hand corner of the next page is a little icon that says "Click Here to Print". Click this and print the 4-page membership confirmation. PRINT TWO COPIES -- one
16. Bring this printed form and $45 to your first tournament. The club will reimburse you $20 of those $45 dollars. This membership will last you until October 31 of next year.
17. If you forget to do this, bring $50 to your first tournament, and you can fill out the form there. The club will reimburse you $20 of those $50 dollars.
Best source of general information: http://www.yankee.org/administration/membershipApplication.php
SECTION C: If you played Juniors before:
For the Fall 2012- Spring13 season: